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Nice concept. Had some fun creating way to fast bullets... :D
The movement does not respond all the time, especially the jump but the rest felt great.

I liked the way the weapon and the bullets felt... the impanct and so on. Nice work!

Thanks for the feedback!

This is great! The jump is rather buggy and the absolute lack of checkpoints made it a bit tiring but I love the concept and it has some neat artwork to boot. Good job!

Yeah sadly i was kind of busy well make the game. so i just tried to get it functioning as best that i could. I only found a bug with the jumping after i finished the controller so i just needed to move on. But im glad you enjoyed the concept! 

Thanks for the feedback!

I was doing so well when suddenly angry pacmen of doom came for me!

What a fun concept, worth expanding on sometime.  I really liked the way you could change the way physics worked on the fly.  Nice character animation, jumping would sometimes get stuck in the grass stuff.

Awesome job!

Thank you, I am glad you liked it :)